Thrill of the Find closes after 15 years in Leslieville
/Photo: Dean Seguin
Thrill of the Find, a clothing boutique in Toronto's east end specializing in women's designer wear, has closed its doors after 15 years.
The shop curated a variety of high-quality women's fashion labels and accessories — both vintage and contemporary — not on consignment, but from the owner's personal collection.
Mireille Watson sourced her immaculate pieces — some finds dating back to the 1930s — mostly from Europe.
Thrill of the Find's popular window displays often featured spectacular discoveries for passersby. A 1950s cocktail dress, for instance, or a rare vintage piece from Hermès, Chanel or Prada.
A note in the window thanks its customers and mentions a move to Port Hope — a short trip away for anyone looking for their next vintage showpiece.