Local hub launches to provide insight on status of Relief Line
/Photo: Beyond Relief
If your feelings on the status of the Relief Line straddle the line between excitement, anxiety, confusion and wonderment, you're probably not alone.
There's a lot of information, opinion and rumour flying around about the future of transit in this city, and now there's a local website that aims to capture and funnel it all into an informative hub to keep the public up to date with the latest news.
Beyond Relief is a community site to provide news and information on the development of the Relief Line — a new subway to support the growth of Toronto by alleviating overcrowding on the Yonge Street side of the TTC's Line 1, and the over-capacity Bloor-Yonge station in particular.
Chris Thompson, founder of Beyond Relief, says the site was launched to addresss the concerns of citizens and businesses in the areas through which the new subway will pass while ensuring that the Relief Line achieves the greatest benefit and value for the significant investment it will require.
Thompson says more content is coming soon. Go give it a look at beyondrelief.ca