Ryan Gosling dropped in for coffee at Grinder during TIFF
/Photo: Grinder
The city has been swirling with celeb sightings over the past week as the Toronto International Film Festival is underway.
But none other than Ryan Gosling paid a surprise visit to the excitement of staff and patrons at a Leslieville coffee shop.
Ahead of TIFF, Grinder on Gerrard launched the #ryanneedsgrinder campaign to invite the actor to stop by for a coffee in between premieres and red carpet appearances.
Today, the efforts paid off when he came into the cafe to sip coffee and hang out.
“The man himself, Ryan Gosling, showed up at Grinder and had a coffee with us. What a good sport, a well brought up Canadian boy. We truly appreciate Ryan taking the time the time to visit us during TIFF,” reads a statement on Grinder’s Facebook page.
Grinder had used a Ryan Gosling cardboard cutout to help them lure in Ryan Gosling the human — and it seemed to have worked.
Last year, they urged actor Idris Elba to pop in, but the campaign was unsuccessful. Could this be the start of a new TIFF tradition?