Landlord shutters P.O. Box 1192 for defaulting on rent payments
/Photo: Lauren Howard
P.O. Box 1192, a snack bar at the corner of Queen and Curzon, has been shuttered due to a default on rent payments to the tune of $68,571.94.
Served on the door is a notice of distress, which essentially gives the landlord the legal right to confiscate the property of the tenant who has defaulted on a rent payment or other obligation. The landlord also served notice that the locks have been changed but the owners of PO Box 1192 can still enter the premises on request.
The management have five days in which to pay arrears in rent before the property — seating and tables, kitchen and bar equipment and the like — are sold at best price.
P.O. Box 1192 opened in October of 2015 and had only been in operation for six months after taking over the space previously held by Rock Lobster. For a historic building with so many interesting design traits, the space has had trouble holding down tenants for any period of time.
It's anyone's guess as to what's next for this spot — what do you think?