It's official, Lambretta Pizzeria is closed
/Photo: Lambretta
The curse of Queen and Curzon has struck again.
Although it’s been suspected for weeks, Lambretta Pizzeria is officially closed, the news confirmed in a note on Facebook by owner Celina Blanchard.
“I was hoping for a different ending and I even fought hard with the landlord asking for a break in the rent so that we can continue operating and building our business,” she said in the post. “I wasn't unreasonable nor did I expect freebies but considering the history of this location, I thought they would be willing to work with me to ensure that a tenant would last longer than a year.”
One of Leslieville's most well-known heritage buildings, the location at 1192 Queen St. E has is said to be cursed as a space for businesses looking to make a go in the neighbourhood. It’s chewed up and spit out many tenants in the last five to 10 years, including the Curzon, Rock Lobster, PO Box 1192, Skwish and now Lambretta.