Godspeed Brewery brings pub, kitchen and bottle shop to Coxwell and gerrard
/Photo: Matt Forsythe
Godspeed Brewery, the long-awaited new project from revered Canadian brewmaster Luc "Bim" Lafontaine has opened in Toronto’s east end.
Lafontaine, who previously headed up famed Quebec brewery Dieu du Ciel!, transformed a 6,000 square-foot space previously occupied by a dollar store at Coxwell and Gerrard.
The brewery has kicked off with with three beers — Stout (4.7%), IPA (6%), and Dortmunder (4.2%). — available in 355 ml cans.
The expansive brew pub has seating for 140 including a taproom and kitchen serving up Japanese comfort food.
Godspeed's retail shop hours are 11:00 a.m. - 11 p.m., it's kitchen is open 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. and you can have a drink at the bar from 1 p.m. till late. Keep an eye on Godspeed's Facebook page for updates.