The Thirsty Duck closing after landlord proposes triple rent increase
/Photo: The Thirsty Duck
The Thirsty Duck is closing down on April 20.
Posting on Facebook, owner and longtime Leslieville resident Cherie Stinson says the decision was made after the building landlord served notice of a triple rent increase.
“The Thirty Duck simply cannot afford a proposed triple rent increase, and I'm sure the hood has seen the continual construction that we have faced over the last 9 months... that's another story,” she wrote.
For now, Stinson is encouraging patrons to stroll over to Eastside Social — the sister restaurant just a few doors east.
“We didn't forget — we will continue our popular Halifax donair, fish and chips and a couple more Duck menu favs. We are, in fact, East Coasters and can't live without a good donair!”
The building at Queen and Carlaw has been under construction for the past several years and has seen both Skin and Bones and Torq Ride leave spaces within it.