Beloved yurt at Ceili Cottage won't be set up this winter
/Photo: Ceili Cottage
On a cold winter's night, there's arguably no better way in Toronto's east end to warm up than by tucking into oysters and Irish whiskey in the cozy yurt at Ceili Cottage. Unfortunately, it won't be making its winter appearance this year.
According to a note on Ceili Cottage's menu, the Mongolian-made yurt is unable to be put up this year due to reasons beyond its control. No other explanation given. While nothing has been confirmed, rumours are swirling about a possible plan to tour the yurt.
The yurt has been something of a local treasure the past three years, virtually extending the footprint of Ceili Cottage with a winterized patio. Visitors would crouch through the intricately painted doors of its low entranceway and step into a surprisingly roomy space. In it was about a dozen tables, soft candles burning and a crate of '70s vinyl waiting to be played through a crackly, vintage record player in the middle of the room. Hunkering down in the warm intimate atmosphere was the perfect antidote for a dark winter night.
Stay tuned for the latest on the Ceili Yurt.