Long live the king! Or, rather, lang leve de koning!
Wednesday, April 27, marks Koningsdag — or King’s Day — the birthday of Holland’s King Willem Alexander and one of the country’s most celebrated national holidays. Far from being an imposed celebration of royalty, King’s Day is all about the people. The holiday sees thousands of orange-clad Dutch citizens hitting the street for a drink (or 20) in a massive country-wide party. Plus, it’s the one day of the year where anyone can have a yard sale without a permit. Te gek!
We’re ecstatic to host our own celebrations here in Toronto with a return to Hi-Lo bar (753 Queen Street East, just east of Broadview) on Wednesday, April 27, from 6-10 p.m. Our last outing there was tremendous and we sold out well ahead of time, so we promise to prep a lot more food this time around. Hi-Lo will have some drink specials and will provide the festive atmosphere.
It’s going to be a fun night, we can’t wait! Get your orange on and join us for drinks, food and a gezellig evening of feestvieren! Hoera!